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How To Make Easy Cook Tom Yum Goong Soup From Mae Ploy Paste.

Have you been to a Thai restaurant and enjoyed an aromatic bowl of Tom Yum soup and wondered how to cook it yourself, well check out this easy guide to make Tom Yum Goong soup from Mae Ploy Paste.

Tips shown within this blog are from Thai professional, Chef Nartnapa

Easy Cook Tom Yum goong soup from Mae ploy paste
Tom Yum

There are two ways to make Tom Yum soup, the traditional way is to make the paste yourself which is a lovely thing to do if you have time but I want to focus on the easy cook way, Tom Yum is such a beautiful dish that your family will love, its also something that you can just whip up at the last minute when you get home from work so perfect for somebody with a busy life.

Thai food is often the healthiest choice when deciding which restaurant to visit, Thai soups are very healthy so be sure to choose one as a starter when visiting a Thai Restaurant, another added bonus it they can give an energy boost if your feeling under the weather.

The Tom Yum soup Paste which we use at home is Mae Ploy, This brand is mega popular in Thailand and used by many professional restaurants around the World.

To cook tom yum its very easy, the dish can be easily adjusted to suit your taste, dont be afraid to play around.

Ok so this is our way to make an Easy Cook Tom Yum from paste

Enough to make 4 small bowls


  • 100g Mae Ploy Tom You Paste

  • Large Prawns, around 2 - 3 per person (in or out of shell)

  • 4 Cherry Tomatoes, pierced with a knife.

  • 4 medium sized mushrooms chopped roughly. (dried Chinese mushrooms are best)

  • 1 Kafir Lime Leaf

  • Chopped Corriander

  • 1/2 stick of lemongrass

  • Fish sauce

  • sugar

  • lime juice

  • Drop of Milk

Bring 1 litre of water to the boil and add 100g of Mae Ploy Tom Yum paste, make sure the paste has dissolved completely before adding prawns, this is because the prawns will take on the tom yum flavour whilst cooking.

Tear the kafir lime leaf in half, chop the lemongrass into large pieces and add to the boil, along with the tomatoes and mushrooms.

After boiling for a couple of minutes everything will be cooked nicely, if unsure always check with a digital thermometer.

Our family enjoy Tom Yum with a slightly smoother mouth feel, this can be achieved by adding a drop of milk at the end of the boil.

Now the cooking is complete you can adjust the flavour slightly to suit your taste, remember that the paste has been designed as a complete flavour so this stage can be skipped completely if you prefer.

As a guide though add fish sauce to increase saltiness, sugar for sweetness and lime juice to increase the zingyness, remember its tiny margins.

Now add the soup into bowls and add chopped coriander onto the top just before serving.

Tip - People either love or hate coriander, if you are serving to friends try leaving the coriander on the table and let your guests garnish themselves.

chopped coriander for easy cook Tom Yum Paste
Leave your guests to add coriander.

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